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    • By jdorz
      Hello all,
      I have successfully gotten my Hackintosh working 99 percent. The remaining issue that I am running into is that my system will randomly kernel panic upon a user issued shutdown or reboot WHEN I have either a usb sound card or usb headset plugged into any of my USB ports (both 2.0 and 3.0). If I remove the headset, it will power down with no issues. Does anyone have any suggestions?
      My system is as follows:
      MacOS 10.14 Mojave
      Gigabyte H370 HD3
      8400 i5 Coffee Lake
      Radeon RX 580 sound card
      I have the internal audio disabled. I have also attached my config.plist file.
      I have the following Kexts installed:
      Thank you.
    • By wmchris
      This tutorial has been updated on GITHUB to 10.14 and 10.15
      the tutorial on insanelymac got too fragmented for a simple forum thread and will not be updated, but still be used for discussion and hints, tips and tricks
      Dell XPS 15 (9550, Version of 2016) Sierra 10.13.1 Tutorial
      Before we start:
      this installation includes real time DSDT/SSDT patching from within clover. This is pretty easy to install. But it is NOT suited for people with no or only few knowledge in Hackintosh Systems. If you only know how to copy commands in your shell and you dont know what they're doing, then stop the tutorial and revert to windows or buy a real mac. Even if you get it running: this system is not failsafe and will be broken multiple times in its usage time, where you have to fix it without a tutorial.
      Optional steps are marked in GREEN, System dependent steps are BLUE
      English is not my mother-tongue and i'm writing this without proof reading, so please forgive my bad spelling
      If you've questions or something doesn't work: first check if you've done all steps of this tutorial! If yes: please read the whole thread (doesn't matter how long it is) before asking to prevent multiple questions. Additionally do a search in google and this forum.
      Many knowledge of 'how to hackintosh a dell in the first place' by the tutorial of @Gymnae
      Using many kexts and solutions from @RehabMan
      What's not working:
      Hibernation (works somehow, but high chance to destroy your whole data), Sleep works fine! SD-Card reader Killer 1535 Wifi (rarely used, need replace) nVidia Graphics card (Intel works) FileVault 2 (full HDD encryption) Requirements:
      one working MAC OS X Enviroment 16GB USB Stick (larger is sometimes not bootable and/or requires advanced partitioning) MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1 installation file from the app store (redownload, just in case) Knowledge in PLIST editing USB Harddrive for backup - you'll loose all data on your computer! Step 1: Prepare Installation
      Use the existing Mac to download the Sierra installer from the App Store and create a bootable USB stick with CLOVER. You can do this with the App 'Pandora's Box' of insanelymac (use google for download link), which is pretty easy to use.
      Optional: check if your SSD can be switched to 4k sector size. This prevents NVMe corruption. See
      After you've finished you need to download the Dell XPS 15 specific configurations for clover.
      Link: and unzip this file or checkout git directly:
      git clone You only need the folder 10.13, you can delete the 10.11. I'll refer to this folder by 'git/'
      Now mount the hidden EFI partition of the USB Stick by entering
      diskutil mount EFI Inside the terminal. Mac OS will automaticly mount the EFI partition of the USB stick, but just in case: make sure it really is
      Overwrite everything in the CLOVER folder of the partition EFI with the content of git/10.13/CLOVER.
      If your PC has a Core i5 processor, you'll have to modify your config.plist in EFI/EFI/CLOVER/: search for the Key ig-platform-id: 0x191b0000 and replace it with 0x19160000.
      If you could use the 4k sector patch, replace the config.plist with the 4kconfig.plist.
      If you use a hynix device and you didnt do the 4k sector switch, you'll have to add the following patch to your config.plist
      <key>Comment</key><string>IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Hynix SSD patch</string><key>Disabled</key><false/><key>Find</key><data>9sEQD4UcAQAA</data><key>Name</key><string>IONVMeFamily</string><key>Replace</key><data>9sECD4UcAQAA</data> Go into the EFI Configuration (BIOS) of your Dell XPS 15:
      Also disable the SD-Card Reader to reduce the power consumption drastically. Insert the stick on the Dell XPS 15 and boot it up holding the F12 key to get in the boot-menu and start by selecting your USB-Stick (if you've done it correctly it's named 'Clover: Install macOS Sierra', otherwise it's just the brandname of your USB-Drive). You should get to the MacOS Installation like on a real mac. If you're asked to log-in with your apple-id: select not now! Reason: see Step 5.
      Step 2: Partition and Installation
      INFORMATION: after this step your computer will loose ALL data! So if you haven't created a backup, yet: QUIT NOW!
      Dont install macOS yet. Select the Diskutil and delete the old partitions. Create a new HFS partition and name it 'OSX'. If you want to multiboot with Windows 10, then you'll have to create a second partition, too (also HFS! Dont use FAT or it will not boot! You have to reformat it when installing Windows). Make sure to select GUID as partition sheme.
      Close the Diskutil and install OSX normally. You'll have to reboot multiple times, make sure to always boot using the attached USB stick. So dont forget to press F12. After the first reboot you should see a new boot option inside clover, which is highlighted by default. Just press enter. If you only see one, then something went wrong.
      Step 3: Make it bootable
      After a few reboots you should be inside your new macOS enviroment. You can always boot into it using the USB stick. Remove the USB drive after successful bootup. Enter
      diskutil mount EFI in your terminal, which should mount the EFI partition of your local installation.
      install git/Additional/Tools/Clover_v2.4k_r4003.pkg. Make sure to select 'Install Clover in ESP'. Also select to install the RC-Scripts. This should install the Clover Boot System. Now copy everything from git/10.13/CLOVER to EFI/CLOVER like you did before by creating the usb stick. (if you had to modify the config.plist in step 1, do it here, too). Your system should be bootable by itself. Reboot and check if your system can boot by itself.
      Step 4: Post Installation
      Because all DSDT/SSDT changes are already in the config.plist, you dont need to recompile your DSDT (albeit i suggest doing it anyway to make your system a lil bit more failsafe, see gymnaes El-Capitan tutorial for more informations). So we can skip this part and go directly to the installation of the required kexts. Open a terminal and goto the GIT folder.
      sudo cp -r ./Post-Install/LE-Kexts/* /Library/Extensions/sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPS2Nub.bak 2> /dev/nullsudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.bak 2> /dev/nullsudo ./AD-Kexts/VoodooPS2Daemon/_install.command Now you'll have to replace the config.plist. Because you'll install modified kexts you'll HAVE TO replace the config.plist in your installation. Otherwise your PC will not boot anymore.
      diskutil mount EFI replace EFI/CLOVER/config.plist with git/Post-Install/CLOVER/config.plist. Again: if your PC has a Core i5 processor, search the config.plist for the Key ig-platform-id: 0x191b0000 and replace it with 0x19160000.
      OPTIONAL (in case you've audio problems):
      AppleHDA has some problems after Wake-Up. You'll have to plug in a headphone to get your speakers working again. You can use VoodooHDA instead, which breaks the headphone jack most of the time, but makes the rest much more stable.
      sudo rm -r /Library/Extensions/CodecCommander.kextsudo rm /EFI/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/SSDT-ALC298.aml then remove from your config.plist from the key 'KextsToPatch' the elements 'AppleHDA#1' to 'AppleHDA#7'. Install the package: git/Post-Install/AD-Kexts/VoodooHDA-2.8.8.pkg
      i also suggest moving some of the kext from EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.13 to /Library/Extensions. It's just more stable.
      Finalize the kext-copy by recreating the kernel cache:
      sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/ rm -rf /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernelsudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u / sometimes you'll have to redo the last command if your system shows 'Lock acquired'.
      OSX 10.12.2 removed the posibility to load unsigned code. You can enable this by entering
      sudo spctl --master-disable If you're using the 4K monitor, you'll have to copy the UHD enabling kexts to your clover directory:
      sudo cp ./Post-Install/AD-Kexts/UHD-Kexts/* /EFI/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.13/ To enable GPU acceleration: Edit your clover config file again and remove the following block from it:
      To prevent getting in hibernation (which can and will corrupt your data), just set the default sleep mode to 'suspend to ram' (sleep) instead of 'suspend to disk' (hibernation)
      sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 To get HDMI Audio working:
      Search for your Boarrd-ID in the config.plist and open /S/E/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/contents/plugin/AppleGraphicePolicy.kext/contents/info.plist with a texteditor. Search for your board-id in there and change the value of it from 'Config2' to 'none'
      OPTIONAL (alternative power management):
      the whole power management is done by intels speed step technology (HWP), which is enabled in the clover config. If you want to let OSX manage the power management, you'll have to do these steps:
      sudo cp ./Post-Install/CLOVER/ACPI/optional/SSDT.aml /EFI/EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/ then open the config.plist (/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/config.plist) and change <key>HWPEnable</key><true/> to <key>HWPEnable</key><false/>.
      Step 5: iServices (AppStore, iMessages etc.)
      WARNING! DONT USE YOUR MAIN APPLE ACCOUNT FOR TESTING! It's pretty common that apple BANS your apple-id from iMessage and other services if you've logged in on not well configured hackintoshs!
      If you want to use the iServices, you'll have to do some advanced steps, which are not completly explained in this tutorial. First you need to switch the faked network device already created by step 4 to be on en0. Goto your network settings and remove every network interface.
      sudo rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist Reboot, go back in the network configuration and add the network interfaces (LAN) before Wifi.
      You also need to modify your SMBIOS in the config.plist of Clover in your EFI partition with valid informations about your 'fake' mac. There are multiple tutorials which explain how to do it like ''.
      It's possible you have to call the apple hotline to get your fake serial whitelisted by telling a good story why apple forgot to add your serial number in their system. (aka: dont do it if you dont own a real mac). I personally suggest using real data from an old (broken) macbook.
      Step 6: Upgrading to macOS 10.13.2 or higher / installing security updates
      Each upgrade will possibly break your system!
      (Update: after the latest updates in this tutorial the system should be update-proof.)
      Step 7: Fixes / Enhancements / Alternative Solutions / Bugs
      Afterword and fixes
      as i said before: this is not a tutorial for absolute beginners, albeit it's much easier then most other tutorials, because most is preconfigured in the supplied config.plist. Some Dells have components included, which are not supported by these preconfigured files. Then i can only suggest using Gymnaes tutorial which explains most of the DSDT patching, config.plist editing and kexts used in detail and use the supplied files here as templates.
      Warning: Some people have reported multiple data losses on this machine. I suggest using time-machine whenever possible! If your device is detected as 'Model Name: Apple Device', see: If you want to save the settings of the display brightness: downgrade to clover 3899, in the never versions the nvram restore is broken. USBInjectAll is not intended for permanent use. You should check which USB are really required to be injected and modify your DSDT/SSDT. 4K Touchscreen only: Multitouch can be achieved with the driver from, but it's not open source - costs > 100 $ Not a bug: if you REALLY want to use the 4K Display natively and disable the Retina Mode (max 1920x1080), see: Tutorial Updates
      27. March 2017: UHD Kexts added, replaces perl command 23. March 2017: 4k sector tutorial against NVMe corruption added 7. March 2017: Suggestion to disable the SD Card Reader for reduced power consumption 4. February 2017: Dell SMBIOS Truncation workaround added 23. January 2017: Hynix SSD fix added 31. December 2016: USB-C Hotplug Fix and USB InjectAll Removed 28. December 2016: NVMe SSDT Spoof precreated, FakeID already preset in installation config.plist. VoodooHDA added as alternative to SSDT-ALC298 patch as well as color coding in tutorial 22. December 2016: FakeSMBios added Accessories Appendix:
      The official Dell adaptor DA200 ( works completly on Sierra 10.2.2. You can use the Network, USB, HDMI and VGA. Everything is Hot-Pluggable a cheap 3rd party noname USB-C -> VGA adaptor didnt work you can charge the Dell with a generic USB-C Power Adaptor, but USB-C has only a maximum power of 100W, so it's either charging OR usage, not both. Dont forget you need a special USB-C cable (Power Delivery 3.0) for charging.
    • By ianxpluto
      Hi there,
      Very exciting to join the this forum.
      A friend helps me built my new iMac Pro couples weeks ago. It's always rebooted by kernel panic when I'm working or even using Chrome.
      I tired to find some topics help me fix it, but I could't find it.
      My system as follows:
      CPU: Intel 9900K
      GPU: MSI Radeon VII
      Motherboard: Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Gaming 7 (with F13 Bios Firmware, CFG unlock)
      SSD: Samsung 970 Pro
      The following .kext installed:
      The following .efi installed
      My config.plist and DSDT.aml and Panic Report attached.
      Thank you for help me or any suggestions.
    • By fusion71au
      Run Vanilla OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra or Mojave in VirtualBox 5.x.x on a Windows Host
      Following on from my previous guide on how to create a VMware virtual machine running Vanilla OS X El Capitan in Windows, I’ve decided to write a similar guide for creating a VirtualBox El Capitan VM.
      The virtual machine should be useful for testing El Capitan and also for creating installers for use on a real machine/hackintosh.
      There are other tutorials and videos on the net about running OS X on Windows machines using pre-made VMDK disk images but you can never guarantee what else is in there….
      I’ve gathered info for this guide from several threads in the Multibooting and Virtualisation section of this forum and also the wider internet eg
      @colt2 HOW TO: Create a bootable El Capitan ISO for VMware
      @dsmccombs comment on faking Ivybridge Processor
      @Tech Reviews video tutorial
      VirtualBox Forum: Status of OSX on OSX
      Intel PC with four or more CPU cores running Windows 7 X64 or later OS (2 or more cores needed for OS X) 4GB or more RAM (2GB or more will be needed for OS X) Hard Disk with at least 40GB free for Virtual Machine Oracle VM VirtualBox v 5.0.34 Install OS X El Capitan app and Mac or Hack to prepare installation iso <-- Now, no longer necessary to have previous access to a Mac or Hack by building the from scratch - see post#75 16GB or larger exFAT formatted USB stick to transfer El Capitan iso from Mac/Hack to Host PC
      Prepare Installation ISO on your Mac or Hack
      1. On your Mac or Hack, download 'Install OS X El' from the App Store into your Applications folder.
      2. Download and unzip the CECI.tool (attached to this post) into your ~/Downloads folder. The commands in this executable script are shown below for informational purposes. Note: you will need approx 16GB of free space on your hard disk for the script to complete.
      3. Open OS X terminal, then run the following commands to execute the script:
      cd downloadschmod +x CECI.tool./CECI.tool 4. At the end of the process, you will have an El Capitan iso on your desktop - copy this onto an exFAT formatted USB for use on the PC Host later.
      Create an El Capitan Virtual Machine in VirtualBox
      1. Open the VirtualBox program and click the 'New' button to create a new VM.
      2. Select Mac OS X and Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (64 -bit) for Operating System type and version. I named my Virtual Machine 'El_Capitan', then clicked next..
      3. Leave the Memory size at the recommended 2048 MB, then click next.
      4. Choose to 'Create a virtual hard disk now', then click the create button.
      5. For the hard disk file type, the default is VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) but I have selected VMDK for inter-operability with VMWare. Click next..
      6. For Storage on physical hard disk, I have chosen the default Dynamically allocated (grows larger to a set limit as you need more disk space).
      7. On the File location and size screen, you can set the location of the new virtual hard disk and its size - I recommend changing disk size to 40GB or larger. When you click the create button, you will now see your new VM in the VirtualBox main GUI.
      8. Click the settings button on the Main Menu to tweak a few settings..
      a. On the System/Motherboard tab in Boot Order, you can uncheck the Floppy Drive (who has these now?)
      b. On the System/Processor tab, you can increase the allocated CPU cores to 2
      c. On the Display tab, you can increase the allocated Video Memory to 128MB
      d. On the Storage tab, click on the icon of the Optical Drive and select 'Choose Virtual Optical Disk File'.
      Navigate and select the El Capitan ISO we created earlier..
      e. Click the OK button to finalise the VM settings.
      Patch El Capitan vbox configuration file with DMI Settings from a Mac
      1. From the start menu, type cmd and click run as administrator to open an administrative command prompt.
      2. Choose a Mac Model similar to your host system, then type the following lines, followed by <enter> after each line. Make sure you first close all VirtualBox Windows and the VirtualBox program, otherwise any changes you make won't stick..
      Eg iMac11,3
      cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct' 'iMac11,3'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion' '1.0'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct' 'Mac-F2238BAE'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey' 'ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC' 1 MacBookPro11,3
      cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct' 'MacBookPro11,3'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion' '1.0'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct' 'Mac-2BD1B31983FE1663'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey' 'ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC' 1 Macmini6,2
      cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct' 'Macmini6,2'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion' '1.0'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct' 'Mac-F65AE981FFA204ED'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey' 'ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC' 1 3. Optional- For some host systems eg those with Haswell and newer CPUs, you might have to spoof an older CPU to avoid VirtualBox errors. You can try from one of the following if this happens:
      To spoof Lynnfield i5 750 CPU
      VBoxManage.exe modifyvm 'El_Capitan' --cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 06100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff To spoof IvyBridge CPU
      VBoxManage.exe modifyvm 'El_Capitan' --cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 04100800 7fbae3ff bfebfbff or
      VBoxManage.exe modifyvm 'El_Capitan' --cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 00020800 80000201 178bfbff 4. Close the command prompt window.
      Installation of El Capitan
      We are now ready to start the El_Capitan Virtual Machine..
      Installation should be relatively straight forward, just following the prompts of the OS X installer:
      1. Select language, agree to legal terms
      2. Use Disk Utility from the Utilities Menu to erase and format the virtual hard drive as a single partition GUID Mac OS X Extended. I named my drive 'Macintosh HD' but you can enter whatever you like eg El_Capitan.
      3. Quit DU and choose Macintosh HD to install El Capitan on.
      4. After 20-30 min (depending on how fast your system is), the installation will complete. At this point, unmount the El Capitan ISO by clicking the Devices menu from the VM window, click Optical Drives, then choose Remove disk from virtual drive. The VM is now ready to reboot into OS X from the virtual hard drive.
      5. At the welcome screen, choose your country and keyboard layout. You can skip transfer information, location services and logging in with your Apple ID if you wish…
      6. Create a User Account and select your Time Zone. You can skip sending diagnostics and usage data to Apple….
      7. Finally, you will arrive at the El Capitan Desktop.
      8. Network/internet and audio should work OOB but on my system, the sounds were distorted. Unfortunately, there is no QE/CI and the VM resolution will be fixed without the ability to dynamically resize the VM window (no VirtualBox additions for OS X guests atm).
      Customization with VBoxManage
      1. You can change the default resolution of 1024*768 (after shutting down the VM) with the VBoxManage command from the Windows Administrative Command Prompt:
      cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' VBoxInternal2/EfiGopMode N (Where N can be one of 0,1,2,3,4,5) referring to the 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1920x1200 screen resolution respectively.
      Update: For VirtualBox 5.2.x, the command for changing screen resolution has changed..
      VBoxManage setextradata '<MyVM>' VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution XxY (where X=Horizontal screen resolution, Y=Vertical screen resolution)
      VBoxManage setextradata '<MyVM>' VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1280x1024 2. Adding serials and other SMBIOS details for the System Information Screen
      VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial' 'W8#######B6'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardSerial' 'W8#########1A'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor' 'Apple Inc.'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemFamily' 'iMac'VBoxManage setextradata 'El_Capitan' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion' 'IM112.0057.03B' A listing of known issues with Mac OS X guests can be found in the VirtualBox Manual - link
      Vanilla Mavericks and Yosemite, Snow Leopard from Retail DVD
      The same VM settings for El Capitan will also boot and run vanilla installations of OS X Mavericks and Yosemite . Attached to this post are installer scripts to create bootable Mavericks (CMI.tool) and Yosemite (CYI.tool) ISOs for VirtualBox and VMware.
      With the respective OS X installer apps in the Applications folder, download and run the installer tools using terminal ie
      To create a Mavericks ISO on your desktop
      cd downloadschmod +x CMI.tool./CMI.tool To create a Yosemite ISO on your desktop
      cd downloadschmod +x CYI.tool./CYI.tool Here is a screenshot of the VM running Mavericks 10.9.5..
      Finally, those without a Mac/Hack to prepare the install media can purchase a retail Snow Leopard DVD directly from Apple and install OSX 10.6.3 on their virtual machines (Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion run quite happily in VirtualBox with 1 CPU, 1-2 GB of RAM and the rest of the settings unchanged from above). Once you update by combo update to SL 10.6.8, you can directly download El Capitan from the App Store for free .
      UPDATE macOS Sierra 10.12 to 10.12.6: For macOS Sierra, use CSI.tool in post#51.
      UPDATE macOS High Sierra 17A365: For macOS High Sierra, use CHSI.tool in post#73.
      UPDATE macOS Mojave 18A391: For macOS Mojave or High Sierra, use macOS_iso_creator.tool on page 4 of thread.
      UPDATE macOS Catalina Beta DP3_19A501i: For Catalina, @jpz4085 has made an automated batch file to create a Catalina VM in Windows with iMac 14,2 SMBIOS. You can still use my macOS_iso_creator.tool on page 5 to make an installer ISO to attach to the VM.
      Good luck and enjoy

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